Terry Teoh

Terry Teoh


Terry Teoh is Head of Engineering at SIMEC ZEN Energy, a disruptive renewable-sourced retailer backed by Professor Ross Garnaut and Sanjeev Gupta’s GFG Alliance.  Terry has had a significant career in renewable energy with large corporates, including responsibility for Pacific Hydro’s Australian development function from 2005 to 2012.  An engineer by profession, Terry’s has non-work interests in the impact investment space, including as a Director of the Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Cooperative, a social enterprise, and Urban Coup, a co-housing development project in Melbourne.

Web tools and Projects we developed

  • Open-NEM

    The live tracker of the Australian electricity market.

  • Paris Equity Check

    This website is based on a Nature Climate Change study that compares Nationally Determined Contributions with equitable national emissions trajectories in line with the five categories of equity outlined by the IPCC.

  • liveMAGICC Climate Model

    Run one of the most popular reduced-complexity climate carbon cycle models online. Used by IPCC, UNEP GAP reports and numerous scientific publications.

  • NDC & INDC Factsheets

    Check out our analysis of all the post-2020 targets that countries announced under the Paris Agreement.