Dr Sebastian Thomas

Dr Sebastian Thomas

University of Melbourne

  • Sebastian has a diverse background working with businesses and communities in the areas of environmental management, education, and strategic innovation. Prior to joining the University of Melbourne he was Education Program Manager at the International Energy Centre, coordinating the professional, interdisciplinary Master of Energy Studies, and lecturing on topics of energy policy and global change. Sebastian’s research interests include vulnerability and resilience, ‘blue carbon’ in coastal ecosystems and its role in sustainable development, and the role of organizational culture and policy innovation in adapting to global challenges. Sebastian's teaching is grounded in his expertise in sustainability science, integrating political ecology, management strategy, environmental economics, and social-ecological systems dynamics, and he uses interactive games and scenarios to help students understand complex adaptive systems. Sebastian has researched, worked, and lived in Asia, particularly Taiwan and Malaysia, and has extensive international experience working with industry, government, and NGOs to achieve organizational goals in a sustainability context. Sebastian is a Prime Minister's Australia Asia Award winner (2011) and a Wentworth Group Scholar (2013).   

Web tools and Projects we developed

  • Open-NEM

    The live tracker of the Australian electricity market.

  • Paris Equity Check

    This website is based on a Nature Climate Change study that compares Nationally Determined Contributions with equitable national emissions trajectories in line with the five categories of equity outlined by the IPCC.

  • liveMAGICC Climate Model

    Run one of the most popular reduced-complexity climate carbon cycle models online. Used by IPCC, UNEP GAP reports and numerous scientific publications.

  • NDC & INDC Factsheets

    Check out our analysis of all the post-2020 targets that countries announced under the Paris Agreement.