Bonnie Mappin

Bonnie Mappin

Bonnie Mappin is a biodiversity conservation scientist, with broad background in financial risk mathematics and consulting. Currently she is the Program Director of Landscape Restoration for the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists. Bonnie is in the final stages of completing her PhD in ‘Ecological restoration planning for effective conservation of terrestrial biodiversity’ at the University of Queensland. Supervised by Professors Hugh Possingham and James Watson, Bonnie’s research explores gaps in ecological restoration planning to advance impact on the conservation of biodiversity. Her research advances include determining the need and priorities for restoration to achieve conservation goals, evaluating the impact of a large global restoration initiative, and creating a national plan for Australia’s restoration priorities with budgeting costs and benefits. 

Bonnie’s background includes formal qualifications in Actuarial Science and experience working in corporate financial services. She transitioned her career to life science by laying foundations with a Masters in Quantitative Biology from Imperial College London. Bonnie’s role at the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists involves working with eminent scientists and experts in the policy–science–management interface of conservation, developing technical reports, providing advice for sound environmental policy as well practical resources, knowledge, and tools to empower businesses and communities to restore Australia’s environment. 

Web tools and Projects we developed

  • Open-NEM

    The live tracker of the Australian electricity market.

  • Paris Equity Check

    This website is based on a Nature Climate Change study that compares Nationally Determined Contributions with equitable national emissions trajectories in line with the five categories of equity outlined by the IPCC.

  • liveMAGICC Climate Model

    Run one of the most popular reduced-complexity climate carbon cycle models online. Used by IPCC, UNEP GAP reports and numerous scientific publications.

  • NDC & INDC Factsheets

    Check out our analysis of all the post-2020 targets that countries announced under the Paris Agreement.