Regime resistance and accommodation in sustainable energy transitions

Regime resistance and accommodation in sustainable energy transitions

Wednesday, 23 October 2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

To accelerate the decarbonisation of electricity generation, a more nuanced understanding of incumbent firms’ power and influence is required.  Applying neo-Gramscian concepts to sustainability transitions theory, this study investigated the ways in which incumbent actors contributed to the development of residential solar feed-in tariffs in Victoria, Australia.  The single case study collected and analysed data from documents and in-depth, semi-structured interviews with key informants.  The research found that incumbent actors drew on material, institutional and discursive forms of power to both resist and accommodate feed-in tariffs, generating useful insights for policymakers, firms and civil society organisations who seek to accelerate sustainable energy transitions.

Event Location: 
Australian-German College of Climate and Energy
Level 1, 187 Grattan Street
3010 Parkville , VIC
Australian-German Climate and Energy College

With degrees in economics, arts and law, Adrian began his career as a solicitor with a large Australian law firm before moving in-house as a corporate lawyer with a global beverage company.  He then worked in corporate partnership and innovation roles with international development and environment organisations in Australia and the United Kingdom.

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  • Paris Equity Check

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